




Copyrigth IngeniumArs ©2023

Logo Fert MinasFertMinas

Who we are?

FertMinas is a company specialized in additives to increase the performance of fertilizers, whether in physical-chemical characteristics and/or agronomic efficiency. Our focus is to offer customers (Industries, Railway and Waterways Ports and Farmers) productivity gains, savings in their invisible costs and an improvement in their processes and products.


Count on human capital to be our greatest asset. People are the most precious asset that we can take care of, encourage and train, thus combining in the evolution of everyone in the environment in which we operate.


To be a reference in the world market in fertilizer improvement.


Our mission is to provide solutions for our customers in products and services, optimizing processes and offering products with excellence and high performance, always preserving the environment.

Quality and Responsability

FertMinas has a production capacity of 12 thousand tons per month, being the fastest growing company in Brazil in the fertilizer solutions sector, today we serve customers throughout the national territory and other countries in South America, North America and Europe.

"Turning knowledge into highly efficient solutions."

weekly blog

What we offer?

With our line of special products, which aim to increase the efficiency of fertilizers, both micro nutrients and macro nutrients, our additives have the ability to turn your commodity fertilizer into a high performance special fertilizer.

Natural Environment

We take care to reduce pollutant emissions in production.


We are a company that grows every day more abroad.


Technology that resist all types of weather.


Improved industrial and field production, reducing invisible costs.


Ecological products that do not harm the soil and the environment.


Fertilizer coating, with anti-dusting and anti-caking.

we have distribution centers in the cities of Houston, Texas Moxee, Washington Suffolk, Virginia Morehead, Minnesota Mapleton, North Dakota


In a world where population is growing fast and access to natural resources is becoming increasingly scarce, we need to focus on agronomic efficiency and sustainability.

Now more than ever, FertMinas is determined to be part of this solution, contributing to the fertilizer industries that, through the use of our products, manage to offer higher quality fertilizers, reducing waste, increasing agronomic efficiency, providing greater profitability to the industry. and to the farmer, transforming all this healthy food that goes to the table of all people in the world!

FertMinas has the differential of producing 100% vegetable, biodegradable and organic products, with an effectiveness never before presented by any additive for dust reduction and anti-caking, developed for those who are concerned with efficiency combined with preservation of the environment.

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